Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Bringing Back the inspiration

Today I was given the amazing privilege of going to visit Jessica. Jessica is 21 years old and has chronic M.E. she has suffered for 6 years and is bed ridden confined to just one room. 
Most people in that situation at that age would be dwelling in self pity and feel like there is no hope!
Not Jessica...Jessica is so creative, imaginitive and amazing, she has decided to channel her thoughts feelings and situations into something positive that can help others in her situation or similar.
Jessica has created Share a Star. A charity that helps to support children, young people and their families during very difficult times of illness.
The children that are supported by Share a Star are given stars personally made by Jessica as well as other support to help them cope during difficult and sometimes tragic times in their lives.

What so inspired me today was Jessica's outlook on life, clearly she is suffering, clearly she is in pain but clearly she has a hope, a faith an assurance that keeps her going to help her cope with life.

It made me reflect on how I deal with things in life. When you have had no sleep due to a toddler with an ear infection, when work is so manic you don't know where to turn, when you are worrying about how to get all the food prepared for Christmas have to stop and think at least I have a healthy child, at least I can go out to work in a job I love, at least I can eat the dinner we are frantically trying to prepare. Jessica struggles to eat, she can not go out and get a job but she does have hope and a heart for others much more than I can ever dream of...AMAZING!
If you have a moment of the festive season do please either watch the video or go to and find out more.

Saturday, 8 December 2012


Today was the Hoo Village Fair. It was the warmest day of the week...yet still very chilly in the wind, yet at 10am myself and a few hardy volunteers were in Hoo Village Square setting up our Dekhomai Stall ready to greet passers by with free chocolates, free prayer bracelets, free hand massages.

It always surprises me how surprised, unsure, excited people can be about free things, some walk away saying no not quite sure whether free really means free, some come a little closer in trepidation wondering can anything possibly be free and some....usually children run forward wanting to explore before even asking if there is a cost!

Today was a little quieter than we have been before but we still had a steady stream of visitors to our stall, people who wanted to make a pretty bracelet, people who wanted to talk more deeply, people who wanted to explore and people who just like chocolate....whatever reason people came to see us it was great, I love being with everyday people.

It does seem that people are keen to talk abouT spiritual stuff and are not afraid to broach the subject and prayer seemed to be a thing most people do even if they don't do church...however Cafe Church principles seem to be attractive to this Tuesday with free mulled wine, minced pies and fun we will open Taggs and see who walks through our doors...those who have little faith , those who have none, all will be welcome and Christmas will be in full swing...


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

A broken place?

The last 24 hours have been the strangest, confusing, heartwrenching I have experienced for some time.

Yesterday Tuesday 20th November I returned home at 3.30pm keen to listen into the General Synod debate and vote deciding whether finally women bishops would be welcomed into the Church of England.

After some listening my heart began to sino deeper and deeper as the negative views and concerns were coming through thick and fast...however those known to me were positive and supportive so a glimmer of hope remained..

However, at 6.10 (or there abouts) the votes came in ....the bishops approved , the clergy approved but the house of Laity rejected the motion.

I was In Shock, I was angry, I was hurt, my heart felt literally broken. Until this very moment I hadn't realised how much this decision meant to me....I don' aspire to be a bishop, I just don't think I am the right type of person for the job...but my mum is and this decision and delay means that opportunity will never arise. It also hurt to think that after all the church and women in leadership have been through there are still those who feel that as a woman I am inferior and so is my ministry.
I truly feel that I am called by God to be a Priest. I truly believe that I have the skills and knowledge and ability to be a Priest. I truly believe that God wouldn't want this to internal issue to distract from the Good news of the Gospel...

However, open up a paper physically or virtually this morning, listen to the news, read Twitter and Facebook and very soon it becomes clear that this decision has had nothing but a negative effect on the church, making it look irrelevant and archaic.

So after a sleepless and distressing night, a question answering morning from those who don't get it I have come to a place where I feel it is ok to be cross but actually my calling hasn't changed, my job is still the same and my mission is even more make Jesus known to those who struggle with church. So I wear my dog collar with pride and live to fight another day ;-) thoughts and prayers are with those truly heartbroken and who's vision and calling will not be fulfilled.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Phillipians 4:13

Back to school
This week has been really really busy, even more busy than usual!. It has been a time to reflect  a time to remember and I have felt like I have returned to school as have had 3 different teaching engagements on 3 consecutive week days.
This week I have had the pleasure and the joy of teaching the air cadets, a group of lay people exploring how to develop mission in thier local areas and training people about the inherited church models as part of their first module on the road of them becoming authorised memebrs of the Church of England.
3 very different groups of people, 3 very different experiences, 3 very different blessing.
I discovered this week 3 things:
1) I absolutely love has been a while since I did any large amount of teaching more than the odd training session, doing these 3 in a row has been a real honour.
2) There are so many people, young and older who have so many questions, ideas, thoughts and views that create a kalaedascope of engagement.
3) I am soooo tired and as well as these 3 teaching engagements I have also had a funeral visit, pastoral visit, meetings and 2 sermons to prepare...however, despite the business of my life this week I have survived and learnt so much and only by the grace of God and his strength...
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phillipians 4:13
Every day I wake up and look forward to whatever lies ahead.....that is often unknown...and every day I go to bed surprised by how I have been chosen to do such a wonderful job...I just need to remember it when I am feeling shattered!
Our transformed Cross using white and red poppies this Rememberance Sunday

Monday, 29 October 2012

Band, Blackpool and Bella

The last week has been full of alsorts of experiences for us as a family...we have had a much needed few days off from work ( it's never exactly rest when you have a 2 year old!)

Our time off began with me going out ( for pleasure!) to see Marc's wonderful band The Lost Missiles perform. We had taken the bull by the horns and invited a few of our new acquaintances and friends to come along too. I was delighted to see some friendly faces ( nothing worse than being a band widow!) and the band went down a storm. I felt so proud and even got told that I am the coolest vicar ever known :)
It was a truly amazing night and the easiest opportunity to chat to people and get to know them much better on their territory!...If only we could spend more time in the pub!!!

Our time off then took us to the wonderfully sunny seaside resort of Blackpool....a place I often went to as a  child to enjoy the illuminations!
From the second we spotted the tower I felt like I had reverted back to a 10 year old child I was so excited, seeing the sea, the tower the piers brought back wonderful memories and to re live those memories again with Daniel was truly delightful, he was a total delight and absorbed everything we did with the enjoyment of a 2 year old. He tasted Candy floss explored the sea life centre and discovered many new things whilst we were there and to see his eyes light up with the illuminations it was a real sight to behold.

We then travelled down the M6 M56 and M53 to see my beautiful little niece who was celebrating her 2nd birthday. Our niece has been a poorly little poppet since birth so to see her and Daniel running around together like best buddies happy as a daisy was again a delight to behold.
The thing that I really struggle with my job is the distance that is between us and our family, we don't get to see each other nearly as much as we would like to but these moments that we can spend together are to be treasured, from going to the urban farm and meeting up with my Aunty and cousin to going to Chester Zoo to watching Daniel and Bella just playing happily together was truly worth its weight in Gold.
We won't get to see our family now until Christmas time...2 long months but the moments we have had this last week will be happy memories to help us until we create the next ones .

Monday, 15 October 2012

Living in Context!

This weekend has seen mean join together again with my fellow curates to do our continued ministerial development...we get to spend from Friday until Sunday afternoon usually at Ayelsford Priory contemplating various important issues that will help us develop to be better ministers. It isn't a retreat or a jolly but involves deep, hard thinking and reflection. However it is also a wonderful opportunity to review the work we are doing and also to catch up with some wonderful colleagues ( usually over a glass of red in the bar but don't tell anyone ;) )

This weekend our year group have been looking about the importance of mission in context. The need to be fully aware of the context in which we live and work and how God may look in that place ( to put it in a very small nut shell). Two things came to mind for me;

First of all we reviewed how it felt to live in a totally different culture, this gave me the chance to reflect upon our time in Indonesia and also our move from North West to South East. It is only in these times that you become aware of how exhausting but how amazing an opportunity it is to be able to engage in a totally different culture and place despite how very difficult it can and still continues to be.

Secondly it made me reflect on the importance of taking time as a pioneer to fully explore and become part of the community you are there to serve and live alongside in order to be able to fully understand the needs of those you live and work alongside and to not feel guilty about doing so.  Recently I have had a bit of a panic that I have not managed to achieve as much as I wanted to in the last year but this weekend has helped me to realise I have achieved more than I could ever dream of and I truly love HOO!

Aylesford Priory, despite the cold and monastic style of living is a beautiful, relaxing and Godly place. It's a place of peace and tranquillity ( if you can avoid the goose poo!) As much as I struggle to be away from home over these weekends I do see them as an opportunity to reflect and just be!

The sun shining at Aylesford this weekend ( stolen with permission from Phil Greig!)

Monday, 24 September 2012

Feet havent touched the floor!

The last few months have been absolutely busy as can be....but in a really great way...there has been so much going on it has been impossible to stop for very long at all....I have been trying to blog about so many things but instead have been experiencing all sorts...which in a way is good right?

The Paraolympic games for one were awesome, I can't find words to describe what a day we had...from start to finish we felt part of something really special and all had such a fun filled exhausting but inspiring day...I did say at lunch it felt like the best Greenbelt style of festival ever without the rain and Jesus...but actually everywhere you looked ( as my wonderful friend Rosemary reminded me) Jesus was very much could see him in the beauty of the buildings, the English gardens the caring and friendly games makers, the visitors from all over the globe and especially the amazing heroes who were the athletes...who have over come some horrendous experiences to be the best they can be at their sport...truly inspiring! It made me think as i have had time to reflect, how absolutely amazing God is in his creation.

And from that I was then straight into my Ordination retreat to the priesthood...I had 4 days away ( something I hate) to spend in silent contemplation...the silence was sooo hard and I really did struggle and did flounder at times...but it was a great time to really contemplate the calling upon my life that actually felt ( and still does feel) like an amazing privilege that I often don't feel worthy of serving God's people. See previous Blog!!!

Since that amazing weeekdn I have had the pleasure of sharing communion at 3 different churches, of praying with people who have had the most horrendous experiences anyone can ever dream of and have spent time planning a couple of new ventures....very exciting ( watch this space!!)

These last few weeks have still been ridiculously busy but I am trying to take time to remember the importance of spending quality time with people and especially with Marc and Daniel!

Monday, 10 September 2012

The Vicar of Dibley!

What a week! What a weekend! What a week!

These last few days have been exhausting, emotional, nerve racking, tyring and the most amazing days I have experienced for a while!

Last week I embarked with some 19 others on a silent retreat to prepare us for our ordination as deacons or in my case as a Priest into the Church of England. The time away was really difficult for me as i had to wrestle with feelings of guilty having to leave Daniel and anxiety at having to be quiet for so long.
The week, I can not lie, was very difficult for me, I struggle to be left to my own devices in silence and really need to be guided. However, I did manage to take the bull by the horns and found myself exploring the wonder of creation, trying to be creative ( however my attempt looked more like something Daniel would have created rather than me!) and read lots of books I have had on the shelf for ages!

As the time drew closer to the ordination on Saturday I found myself becoming excited as apposed to nervous and I wasn't to be disappointed. All Saints Frindsbury really did pull all the stops out to make the service the most amazing, exhilarating and wonderful moment I could have ever dreamed of. Bishop Stephen Venner spoke brilliantly in words that we could all understand on a level that was just right for each one there and gave us permission, if not insisted that we as priests should be at the local cafes pubs and clubs being with "normal" people...I like that!!!
But of course the truly awesome moment has to be when he laid hands on my with other priests that I have contact with, including my parents and brother in law...a truly awesome moment that I will never forget.

I am so blessed to have such amazing friends and family, family who travelled journeys of 5 or 6 hours there and back just to be with me, friends who sacrificed many a thing just to be with me, colleagues and parishioners giving up their time just to be with truly was overwhelming.

Sunday also proved to be amazing being able to conduct my first Eucharist with my family in the congregation was a little daunting but to see Daniel at the back almost copying my actions with a dolls plastic cup and saucer brought a tear to my eye!

So the big question asked is do I feel different? All I can answer is I feel totally humbled, totally as if this is all a dream and totally in awe that God can use such a person as little ole me!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud?

This last bank holiday weekend saw myself and a bunch of family and wonderful friends pack our bags, tents and wellies and head to Cheltenham Race course for The Greenbelt Christian Arts Festival.

We have been going to Greenbelt on and off for many years ( my first visit was when I was 3!) and I love the eclectic mix of people, passions and experiences that can be found in one place. The music, the art, the creativity, seeing old friends and the Jesus Arms ( beer tent) are great ingredients for a brilliant weekend...normally..

This year was quite a challenge..In true British Bank Holiday weekend style the weather was a great challenge! In fact it rained and rained and rained. It rained so much at times it looked like we were sat in between a waterfall with thunder and lightning all around us. For those of you that know me will know that I am terrified of thunder but having a 2 year old I had to try and be brave!Once the rain eased however the problems did not ease..we were left with a massive mound of mud that in places came well over my ankles.

It was hard going, battling the rain, mud and camping but it was also a real witness to camaraderie, team spirit and a chance to "jump up and down in muddy puddles!"...Daniel thought it was the best thing ever and had a whale of a time.

I can not lie and say we had a wonderful time despite the weather...some of our group really did struggle and when your last pair of socks are soaked because your wellies have broken it is very difficult to put on a smile!

However, it really was a lesson in how we deal with we throw in the towel and take shelter in the nearest travel lodge at the first sign of rain or do we face the eye of the storm and stay strong through thick and thin?

I like to think that I am a tough cookie and can cope with most things but this nearly had me beat....but thanks to a happy toddler, a great talk from Frank Skinner ( yep the Frank Skinner is a Christian!) and a good old session of Beer and Hymns I got through the weekend with a smile on my face ready to book again next year :)....anyone want to join me?

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

A matter of life and death

This week has been a week of funerals, planning, preparing and delivering, church services, cremations and burials. Any kind of funeral and every kind of funeral. The last few weeks have seen a lot of the deanery clergy on holiday so all local funerals have come my way.

It has been an emotionally challenging week, any funeral no matter what the circumstance or situation is a sad and difficult time to all involved, but so many at once certainly take their toil especially when one is someone younger than yourself.

Many people say to me that funerals must be the one thing that I hate about my job yet it is one of the things I really enjoy doing . That may sound sadistic but I find at the time of someones death family and friends are much more open to talk to you about life, the world and the universe, they want you to be there, they want comfort and they want hope but most of all they want you to listen and to guide them through one of the most difficult experiences of their lives.

This week saw our church bursting at the seams with young people trying to find a way to grieve, this is the second experience in a year I have had of such a mega funeral for one so young and both times I have been amazed by the response of friends desperate to show their love and their grief to their friend who has died and to the family. This week the tribute was made via an enormous array of flowers, bouquets and wreaths of all shapes, sizes and descriptions, it was also shown by a uniform of flat caps and an array of colourful socks....
These experiences make me feel so privileged that I have a faith, a hope that this world is not the end, it makes me feel privileged that I have a family who cares so much for me, and it makes me feel privileged that I for a few hours can be a part of someones difficult journey.But it also makes me think about how those with no faith, no hope cope, what do they cling to and what do they look for to survive each day....because of this I do my job to share hope in Jesus and just pray a tiny seed may be sown at these difficult times. A light can be shone for them in their times of darkness.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand

THis summer has been the busiest that I can ever remember. It has been a summer of excitement, achievemnt and hard, hard work!

We started the summer with a lovely if not very hot and exhausting trip to Los Boliches in Spain. 10 days with my parents playing on the beach with Daniel and watching him take in all things Spanish, including the food (tapas, calamaries and Paella where his favs!) the language...(gracias, adios and por favour!) and the way of life ( siestas and staying up late!)

It was a different kind of beach holiday having a toddler but a real delight and a joy and great to spend family quality time together.

But since we have been back so much has happened work wise it has been quite crazy...experiencing the Olympics ( a blog in itself) a wonderful holiday club and conducting my first wedding; All really exciting and wonderful events that helped me to engage with so many different people yet very energy consuming making Spain seem a distant memory...

The saddest part of the job though has really been the focus of these summer months, that of funerals. I find funerals such a blessing, to be with people at there most difficult times and to be able to walk along isde them in their grief and just be there to help them try and create a memory in the form of a funeral service. The funeral services usually try and give people a flavour of that person, what they were like as a yongster, the jobs they have had and the family they have left behind, along with a few amusing anecdotes along the way. However this week I am preparing the funeral of a 27 year old man who died tragiclly leaving a 2 year old and a 3 month old baby. Such a short life lived taken so suddenly. It has made me think about what mark do we leave behind when we are gone..what effect will our eventual passing have on those around us....will it be a clear mark like a footprint in the sand.

I hope and pray that your summers have been eventful yet restful, exciting yet enlightening and for those whose summers continue as any other season may you find refreshment when you can!

Saturday, 21 July 2012



This morning I put on my old clothes and headed down with Marc and Daniel to Hoo village to help with the Hoo Community Clear Up. I have been meaning to go down for the last few months but this has been the first Saturday I have been free enough to help.
The morning started well...Daniel decided, whilst we waited for the rest of the team, that the library was a much better option for Saturday morning entertainment so off he and Marc went leaving me with a Peppa Pig bag and a pick up stick!

The morning was actually a really good and enjoyable occassion, as you can see above there was a fair bit of rubbish around the centre of Hoo but not as much as I anticipated. My best find has to be a pair of bright pink boxer shorts!

The highlight however, the boxer shorts aside, was the conversations, it was really good to be able to chat to people who I haven't met before to find out more about people's lives and to actually help the community.

It was fascinating to hear and engage with the rest of the community as to why we were picking up other people's litter and whether we should be doing it at all. But the main thing I heard being said was that it was all about building up community and working together to make Hoo a better place for everyone.....Couldn't have said it better myself!

The morning finished with our wonderful local councillor providing refreshments for us at the Chequers Pub ( only tea passed my lips!) and off course we were gate crashed by Daniel and Marc who had by then finished at the library.

Today has helped me to remember just how much I enjoy being part of a community and meeting new people but also just being able to help, no matter how simple a task it may seem!.

Thanks to the wonderful Tony Watson and Ronnie Sands for their organisation and any Hoo-ites out there,.,..come get involved next time!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

A Time to think

Over the last week my boys have been away visiting the in law side of the family, I couldn't get any extra time off so  Marc took Dan to spend some quality time with the Vallente's. Initially I was very much against the would i cope? how would I eat? How would I sleep in a house on my own? Then I began to rationalise the idea and decided to not let them go would be selfish on my part...Dan hardly ever gets to see his other grandparents and Marc could do with some quality time with his family.

And I was right I didn't like it, I didn't eat well and I struggled to get a good nights sleep, in fact slept much less than I usually do with a toddler in the house!
What the week alone has taught me is that I am very dependant on my family, they are such a huge part of my world that I am at a total loss without them, I also discovered that I have a serious lack of hobbies and social life! Despite the many meetings scheduled in to get as much work done as possible while the boys were away I still had some time to myself and so what did I do? caught up with Facebook and did more work! ( a very sad state of affairs!)

So what difference has my week alone made to my life? Without making it sound too grand I am determined to create a better work life balance. Obviously with a job like mine I could work all the hours our dear Lord sends and then some but that doesn't create a quality life for my family. I have also realised that I do need to find some time for myself to do something that isn't work related but where I can get out and meet people and have some fun.......

It has been a very LONG week but my boys are back and I appreciate them even more than I did before.

Daniel collecting an egg on his Farm trip

Sunday, 8 July 2012

PROUD! (3 Days of contrast!)

I have just haad the most sereal few days possible, from doing my aunty's funeral to a massive family party to help lead a service in aid of cancer the rain!

It really has been a time to reflect on the great wonders and the great sadness of life.

At the funeral my cousins were so composed and dignified and in the way they conducted themselves, the way they had planned the service with me and the way they honoured their mum was a true tribute to them, aunty Chris would have been so proud. The music was emotive with MAke me a channel of your peace to JLS singing about being "Proud" ( if you havent heard it you tube it its a real tear jerker!!) It really was an honour to be able to lead my family in this very important sacrament and i hope in turn I did them proud.

From the funeral I then had to go up to Lancaster to help celebrate my in laws 40th wedding anniversary and my niece's 21st birthday. I have to confess that switching emotions was really very difficult but just to have a cuddle with my baby made it all worth while... The party was a real success with such hard work from my sister in law and MArc the band played the night away and I realised again how emotive music can be, Marc (hubby), Emily (niece) and the rest of the band made me so proud of my extended family and recogise what a talented bunch they are. Going from the sadness of the funeral to the joy of the party was hard but just what was needed!

( Marc and Daniel Guitaring!)

Today has again been a morning of being proud...I have assisted with an outdoor service at Deangate ridge to celebrate the relay for life 24 hour walk in aid of cancer research. I there had to give a testimony of my Aunty Chris....which was almost as emotional as doing her funeral but as I was speaking I could see passing in front of me so many people wearing survivor t shirts or t shirts in memory for someone, but what really moved me was a lady carrying a candle bag with teh picture of a young boy on it. Such a sad image but the people there, walking in the pouring rain havign ahd next to no sleep wanting to show the world how proud they are of their friends and family, how much th ey want to help find a cure and how they just want to spend time amongst others who have been through a similar experience. It makes me proud to be part of a world where people still do actually care about others.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Busyness and Baptisms

Yesterday was a crazy day, I know Sundays are meant to be our "real" working day in some peoples eyes but yesterday was exceptionally busy. After a few early wake up calls thanks to a toilet training toddler i was feeling especially tired and weary and not particularly feelign the Sunday joy I have to confess. However as always God is great in all things and managed to give me the energy and sparkle I needed to do 8am and 10.30am....from then I had to dash back to Hoo to cover a baptism for a family that actually know Marc and Daniel, (The mum runs one of the village toddler groups) The contact so far has been really good, a great pre visit, several inbetween email conversations and then we came to the day. It was so nice to see a little girl so happy even at one clapping and smiling as I spoke and even when I soaked her! The family and friends seemed to engage in what was happening and it was lovely to see one of my air cadets there as a guest.

After the service a few kind people thanked us and we were invited back to the party. As Marc and Dan knew the family we thought it a good opportunity to pop by and share in the celebrations....Now, not to blow my own trumpet but the feed back and encouragement I received wsa astounding, people seemed genuinely pleased, excited and surprised at how much they enjoyed a church service. ( They even asked Marc if they would be able to request me for other services which may upset the vicar!!)

The last week has been hard going and I have put a lot of time and energy into this baptism, not just because it was a family we had a connection with but because it was a service independant of anyother with many non Christians and I wanted it to be the best experience they had ever had of church. Yesterday proved to me that putting in the preparation is definately worth it, being myself and trusting my instincts does pay off and no matter what else is going on God can work within us mightily!!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

AUnty Chris

Christine Catchpole
This has been a really difficult week for us as a family... after several long battles cancer has finally taken our beloved Aunty Chris. Although it was somethign we have been preparing for for sometime we have still found it a shock and aer coming to terms with it. My younger cousins have a lot to deal with and organise and are doing such a good job I can only admire their courage and bravery!

However, with this news came anotehr shocker...they want me to do the funeral!! I was gobsmacked to say the least but also totally bowled over..what an honour, I only hope I can do her proud.

The last few days have been so hard, dealing with our greif yet trying to organise teh practicalities of a funeral from a couple of hundered miles away. I want to be able to do aunty Chris and our family proud but I dont want to fudge the true message of hope in Jesus and eternal life that I would normally give at such an occassion. I feel blessed that my aunty shared with me her turning to the church after her last bout of cancer was diagnosed and so I feel that the message of hope is one that needs to be shared in such a dark time.

So I have a week to carry on with my daily tasks as well as to psychologically prepare myself for the hardest pastoral service I have ever had to engage with....would value any prayers going!

Thank you Aunty Chris for being a part of our lives we love and miss you very much God Blessx

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


At the moment I am busy getting plans together for the Jubilee weekend, the tiem we celebrate the Queen being queen for 60 years how amazing! At the moment I just see busy busy rather than celebration with a fun day to help prepare, a big lunch an open house and a beacon lighting act of worship all to be organised within a short time.
This weeekend for most is a time for an extended weekend with an extra bank holiday giving most people 4 days of rest to spend time with friends and family. No matter what you may think about the monarchy you can’t deny that anyone who manages to stay in the same very public job for 60 years, touring the world and making major decisions at the age of 86 has to be celebrated in some way!

If we look back over time a year of Jubilee is actually a Biblical principle;

The most unusual observance that God commanded the Israelites through Moses was the keeping of the year of jubilee. For most people this celebration occurred only once in their life time, and for many not even that, as it occurred only once every 50 years. At this year of jubilee all Israelites who had sold themselves into slavery were set free, and all land that had been sold reverted to its original owner. This meant that no Israelite could ever be in permanent slavery; nor could any Israelite permanently lose his inheritance.

The English word jubilee comes from the Hebrew word yobel meaning a trumpet or ram’s horn. These rams’ horns were blown on the Day of Atonement to announce the start of the year of jubilee.

I pray that the extended weeeknd gives people the time to reconcile with family, frineds and neighbours, to celebrate to enjoy and to just be together!

Monday, 21 May 2012

starting out

It seems that everyone and their hamster has a blog and I have bneen told its a good thing to dso to share thoughts, reflections and general pearls of wisdom this wonderful world we live in throws at us!

I have recently had a birthday that felt like a bit of a mile stone..half of my 3 score and 10 and so have been reflecting on many of the yeasr that have gone by but also the amazement of the last 2 years with the birth of my son and my has been a real rollercoaster of emotion and defiantely worth a word or two as I get used to this.

One thing for sure is that I am dyslexic so sorry for any miustakes, I am a spurs fan so get used to some ranting and raving at times but most of all I love my family and Jesus teh most my heart is on my sleeve and hopefully this journey we call life can be shared, enjoyed, grieved and comforted together!