Thursday 12 July 2012

A Time to think

Over the last week my boys have been away visiting the in law side of the family, I couldn't get any extra time off so  Marc took Dan to spend some quality time with the Vallente's. Initially I was very much against the would i cope? how would I eat? How would I sleep in a house on my own? Then I began to rationalise the idea and decided to not let them go would be selfish on my part...Dan hardly ever gets to see his other grandparents and Marc could do with some quality time with his family.

And I was right I didn't like it, I didn't eat well and I struggled to get a good nights sleep, in fact slept much less than I usually do with a toddler in the house!
What the week alone has taught me is that I am very dependant on my family, they are such a huge part of my world that I am at a total loss without them, I also discovered that I have a serious lack of hobbies and social life! Despite the many meetings scheduled in to get as much work done as possible while the boys were away I still had some time to myself and so what did I do? caught up with Facebook and did more work! ( a very sad state of affairs!)

So what difference has my week alone made to my life? Without making it sound too grand I am determined to create a better work life balance. Obviously with a job like mine I could work all the hours our dear Lord sends and then some but that doesn't create a quality life for my family. I have also realised that I do need to find some time for myself to do something that isn't work related but where I can get out and meet people and have some fun.......

It has been a very LONG week but my boys are back and I appreciate them even more than I did before.

Daniel collecting an egg on his Farm trip

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