Sunday 13 October 2019

News Alert !

I’ve been very quiet in my blog over recent times and even on social media . Most of you know that I love it but as a family we’ve been working some stuff out which we’ve had to do just as a family.
My job obviously isn’t just a job , it’s not even a vocation but rather it’s a calling ... over the years it’s got us into Alsorts of weird and wonderful places including Bosnia , Indonesia and Strood !!!!!!
All I’ve ever wanted to do was to follow that call ... if you’re not a believer and reading this you’ll think this is crazy and I can’t fully explain it but ultimately it’s about going to serve (work) where God feels we are best used with our skills and talents.
I can’t deny the last few months have been difficult as we worked this all out.
My job was contracted for 5 years and being 3 years in thinking about the next step was inevitable... we especially wanted to think about moving for secondary school for Dan as Kent has a grammar system which I’m not a fan of !
To cut a long story short after 4 months of reflections , rejecting ideas , coming back to them and praying ... a whole lot of praying .. who family , with priests and even with a nun !!! We came to the decision to apply for a job and I was offered it ... in Lancaster .
Some of you may know Lancaster is Marc’s home town and where I went to Uni. It’s a long way from Kent and that part breaks my heart .. literally in two infact in many pieces , my parents are here , my sister brother in law and most beautiful
Little niece are here , my best friend and his family are here along with other very close friends and people I now see more like family than just friends ... hope you know who you are ! But we still feel Gods call on us to make the sacrifice and start a new challenge ... being a “proper vicar “ in a church in fact two churches but pioneering out of them !
The timings are sketchy it won’t be until next summer as For Dan we felt he needed to finish the academic year ... so plenty of time for au revoirs !!
If you’ve got this far thanks for reading and happy to share the extended story over coffee , gin etc any time xxx