Monday 10 September 2012

The Vicar of Dibley!

What a week! What a weekend! What a week!

These last few days have been exhausting, emotional, nerve racking, tyring and the most amazing days I have experienced for a while!

Last week I embarked with some 19 others on a silent retreat to prepare us for our ordination as deacons or in my case as a Priest into the Church of England. The time away was really difficult for me as i had to wrestle with feelings of guilty having to leave Daniel and anxiety at having to be quiet for so long.
The week, I can not lie, was very difficult for me, I struggle to be left to my own devices in silence and really need to be guided. However, I did manage to take the bull by the horns and found myself exploring the wonder of creation, trying to be creative ( however my attempt looked more like something Daniel would have created rather than me!) and read lots of books I have had on the shelf for ages!

As the time drew closer to the ordination on Saturday I found myself becoming excited as apposed to nervous and I wasn't to be disappointed. All Saints Frindsbury really did pull all the stops out to make the service the most amazing, exhilarating and wonderful moment I could have ever dreamed of. Bishop Stephen Venner spoke brilliantly in words that we could all understand on a level that was just right for each one there and gave us permission, if not insisted that we as priests should be at the local cafes pubs and clubs being with "normal" people...I like that!!!
But of course the truly awesome moment has to be when he laid hands on my with other priests that I have contact with, including my parents and brother in law...a truly awesome moment that I will never forget.

I am so blessed to have such amazing friends and family, family who travelled journeys of 5 or 6 hours there and back just to be with me, friends who sacrificed many a thing just to be with me, colleagues and parishioners giving up their time just to be with truly was overwhelming.

Sunday also proved to be amazing being able to conduct my first Eucharist with my family in the congregation was a little daunting but to see Daniel at the back almost copying my actions with a dolls plastic cup and saucer brought a tear to my eye!

So the big question asked is do I feel different? All I can answer is I feel totally humbled, totally as if this is all a dream and totally in awe that God can use such a person as little ole me!

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