Tuesday 19 November 2013


Over the last 2 weeks I have had an aggrivating cold, one of those that doesnt really do anything but lingers, makes you sound nasally and is irritating; that was until a few days ago. One night I suddenly was woken by not being able to breath so well I had a spasmodic coughing fit ( my usual sign of an asthma attack!) and it went on and on and on. This happened over the weekend and so by yesterday Marc badgered me into going ot see the doctor. Me being me was reluctant as I seem to live there between me and Dan ATM !
However it was easier to go and get checked out rather than have Marc worry so off I trotted to the sister surgery in Gillingham which was the only place with appointments.

Convinced it would be a waste of time I sat with my book and waited..not too long and went to see the Doc. In a matter of seconds he doctor realised that I had a sever chest infection and needed antibiotics, he then read my history and realised I also would need steroids as the infection was so deep and my lung is pretty rubbish in places.

I went home feel glad Marc had been insistent but also a bit anxious not liking steroids as though I know they work brilliantly, they also send me a bit manic! It however was only when I was driving home that I realsied the last time I felt a bit like this was 9 years ago almost to the day....9 years ago around bonfire night I developed  a cold which turned into pneumonia and resulted in us flying home from our life in Indonesia. Then I understood why Marc was so anxious.

HAving asthma and a weakness is pants, I feel so terrible not being up to speed but I am so grateful that we have an NHS system where I can be seen relatively quickly, for free and get the treatment necessary.
Now all I have to do is go through the diary and see what things are essential and what things can wait...it is a hard lesson for me....

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