Tuesday 3 December 2013

Precious moments

The job I have is totally varied, full of joys and sadness, tears and laughter. Today has been such a day.
The majority of the day I spent within the confines of a very cold church made warm by the hustle and bustle of school children coming to experience the Nativity Festival. It is a wonderful experience if you have never had the joy of it. The children go around different stations looking  at and experiencing the different parts of the story fully engaging in it finishing with going into the stable and leaving a chosen gift at the manger.

Listening to the children, watching the delight on their faces, hearing the wondering questions and awesome answers is just a delight and a joy to be a part of..and today is only day 1.

And then I was brought down to earth with a crash, the real humbling part of my job is visiting the sick. Being given permission to enter someone's house when they are seriously ill is a humbling experience, being able to sit along side and listen to how people are coping in adverse situations whilst caring for someone sick totally brings life into perspective and its a real privilege to minister in this way. But today it was hard, so hard seeing someone you know and care deeply for so ill, so hard seeing people you see week in week out suffering yet such a blessing to see a family all there together to support and help each through the darkest of times.
Tonight my head hurts my heart breaks but I pray for peace in the lives of those I have met today.

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