Monday 16 September 2013


Last week we had the pleasure of attending the Breakout Gathering..a time spent with 100 ( well technically 98) other people pioneering all over the country in varied and exciting ventures.

It was an experience as we went as a family, a chance for Marc too to listen to and recieve as well as contribute, and a chance for Daniel to spend time with us rather than miss us. I am not saying it was easy we juggled the sessions between us we juggled and negotiated nightmare meal times and we slept better than we have done in ages!

It was a great chance to meet up with people that we know from other parts of the country, people I trained with, people from CMS, people we have met along the way. It was a great time to hear some awesome stories, to hear what others are trying to achieve in their pioneering worlds and to reflect on our own situation.

We spent time together thinking about how the words we heard would effect our situation the place we are living the things we feel God wants to achieve in our part of the world. We spent time dreaming, if money and time was no object what we could do; However it was also frustrating hearing time and again people who were in similar situations feeling frustrated with the Anglican 3/4 year curate time restriction. So much was said about it takes 7-10 years to really build and develop community whilst we are still in a mad panic about getting anywhere in 3 or 4. We also heard a lot about people's project. Most seemed to have one thing they focused on, even if they were linked ot a church they had the church plus one other thing to pioneer...not a whole deanery.

So..what have we learned? I have learned that my curacy is far to short to achieve anything that could last, I have learned that there are some awesome Pioneers doing amazing things out there who need our prayers and support, and I have learned that I for one can not stretch myself too far.
After the gathering we zoomed up to Hull ( or rather crawled very slowly) to celebrate a retirement and 60th party with my Godmummy and Uncle Derek...a perfect way to end the week away a chance to complete our blue sky thinking to rest and to have some relaxation, to gain perspective and to spend time with those I love...I just wish I could do it more often..lesson learnt!
Dan and Marc enjoying some pitch and put @High Leigh Breakout13

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