Saturday 20 January 2018


They say sleep deprivation is the worst kind of torture and I've sure experienced that this week....poor Elijah has had a terrible cough/ virus that has made him grumpy , hot and cough most of the night. marc and I have shared the propping up on our shoulder, the 4 hourly drug run and the trying to keep everything else going during the day between us.
It's felt like a really tough few weeks, lot soft things, not just Elijah being ill but different circumstances have been an up hill struggle. And I know it's not just me struggling lots of people have had a difficult few weeks, the loss of loved ones ,  work dead lines, illness...lots and lots of illness.
And in these situations it's so easy to go down, to feel sorry for yourself and to sink, but this weekend I decided to do the opposite , to come up fighting , to grab life back by the horns, to spend time , even if I didn't have it, with friends and family , to book that extra treat, to plan that visit to check up on those friends in need.
In the difficult times look to the sky, for in the clouds there is often still a hint of light, a star shining in the darkness, a streak of sun trying to burst through...

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