Sunday 19 February 2017


is it just me or do other people come back from time away thoroughly exhausted ?!!
This past week we had the delight of going away to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday. Wonderful food , lovely wine and fresh sea air. Unfortunately Elijah wakes up at 6am so marc but mostly  I spent most early mornings exploring the sea front . After a couple of mornings I got it down to a fine art   Leaving clothes , keys, coats by the door to throw on as quietly as possible (I do confess to going out in my p.j.s the first morning 🙈)
I have to say despite the tiredness I began to thoroughly enjoy my strolls with Elijah, each morning we got to watch the sun rise in beautiful surroundings, I got to have done blue sky thinking time and had an hours worth of excercise. Of course my preference for time off would be to lie in but I'm blessed with an early riser so what better thing to do than to embrace it and enjoy the precious moments.
So in my tiredness I'm going to try and follow a new motto;
Life doesn't always follow our plan, we think we are going in one direction and suddenly we find ourselves on a totally different route. At these times even when it's really hard try to cease the moment , find the silver lining in the cloud , take each opportunity that comes our way but most importantly enjoy and appreciate what's around you .

For those of you blessed with sleep....enjoy every minute it's a precious luxury.

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