Friday 13 July 2018

Changes challenges and choices

it has been a funny old week that has left me feeling somewhat discombobulated!!
It's been a week of thinking about change going into schools talking to year 6 children about transitioning to year 7 thinking about changes, challenges and choices..... I've absolutely loved being back in the classroom and so far the response has been fantastic though having kids in one class take the mick out of my accent wasn't much fun!!
Change is all around us whether it's a change in school, job or circumstance....just last night we taught our final mission shaped ministry session....a ten year journey come to an end ..... happy to regain some space back in my diary but sad to say goodbye to working with s fab team and an awesome teaching companion and also to share the buzz of pioneering and mission with others ....last night was also a challenge as I found myself sharing a rather personal story from my childhood which my mum (who also taught the course) also continued filling in blanks I didn't remember .....a very powerful experience challenging me to contemplate where life has taken me thus far....
It hasn't also been a difficult week for me choices have been made out of my control and that can be difficult to deal with , at times I've felt 16 again not 41 and realise there's a lot of emotions and feelings I still carry around from those teenage angst days.
What this week has shown me is that I have some very dear friends....I may not see them or even speak to them every day (some I do and that's an added blessing) but when the chips are down they are there to send a message or call round to check I'm ok....
It's really important to have people around you people you can be open and honest with, people who challenge you and check up on you... I'm a very heart on my sleeve kinda girl (I never used to be!!!) what you see is what you get and for those who still love me after that.....I'm grateful !
I've been telling the year 6s the importance of choosing friends and keeping in touch with them.....I'm practising what I preach !

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