Thursday 20 April 2017


the new job is in full swing! Some may Not notice much difference but one thing that has increased is my schools involvements.
This week is the first week back post Easter hols and it's been a strange one this year as schools broke up over 2 weeks before Easter Sunday . So, this week I've been into nursery and reception classes in Wainscott school and then had year 1 from Cedar school (all 90 of them at once!) visit St Francis church ! It's been a lovely week continuing to share the 🐣 Easter excitement with the children , share the story of the first Easter and hear all about the amazing Easter eggs many of them received !!
One real sweet moment was when a little girl from reception shouted out as I walked in...that's Sue I know her and she came to mY birthday party (my boys were in fact invited to said joint party 🎉) very sweet though indeed!

Amidst the tiredness of the amazing Holy Week it has been a real joy to get to know these kids a bit more... I don't ever regret stopping being a primary school teacher.....but I do miss school life A lot !

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