Thursday 3 April 2014

The other side of the fence

I've spent the last week in a whirl wind of work, exhaustion and reflection.
I couldn't for the life of me work out why I was shaken by Ian (my boss) leaving on Sunday. Yes he has been a great support and trainer but that wouldn't usually create such a reaction in me...And then one night I couldn't sleep I realised, whenever I have experienced a vicar leaving a church it has been my mum an dad and I have been leaving with them. I have always been on the other side of the leaving, the one moving away, the one with new horizons to explore the one leaving friends behind and wondering what the future will hold; Not the one left behind!

So this week has had me reflecting back on what it has been like for all those places where we have sure we didn't leave a gapping hole or were tearfully missed but moving is a massive part of this job, a part I took in my stride as a child and the part I now begin to dread.

I often envied friends who had family living around the corner, people who had always lived in the same place. I have loved each and every place that we have ever lived in their own special and unique way yet it does sometimes feel that a piece of me has ben left behind.

Cherish your surroundings, cherish those around you its only in times of change that we realise how special they are and sometimes too late.

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