Monday 17 June 2013

JOB as in JOBE!!

Over the last few weeks at church we were "blessed" with the titles from the book of Job found in the Old testament of the Bible...

Job ( pronounced JOBE) is a collection of chapters about a guy who suffers every possible ill fate you can dream of; his whole family day, he looses his house and all his belongings, he gets sick and his friends try and be helpful by telling him how bad he must have been for this to happen.
It does however have a happy ending where Job continues to believe and trust in God and  gets his livelihood back a new wife and family etc...

This has been the hardest subject for me to have to speak on....a man suffers the ultimate test and keeps on going...
How do we cope with pain and suffering, or at least how do we cope when those we love suffer?

It's about a year now since my aunty died having suffered several bouts of cancer and it was agonizing to watch her deteriorate but by some miracle she felt assured of her hope in heaven adn was at peace at the end.,
A dear curate colleague of mine has recently just died from our Diocese again after a 2nd bout of cancer leaving a whole load of people wondering WHY?

All I can say is I don't have the answers, the world is a horrible place to be at times and bad things do happen to good people. My only hope is that this isn't the end...something much better is waiting for us when the time comes...because if I didn't believe that I think I would go slowly mad.

Job has sent me slightly stir crazy but he has also taught me that if you have a relationship with God you can survive anything....

My prayer and thoughts this week are with all those who are or know someone who is suffering at the moment that we can be ears to listen arms to hug and good old British tea makers rather than try to give advice that is probably not needed or wanted!

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