Monday, 12 November 2018

The rough with the smooth

it has been a REALLY hard week....last week started off really good being away (with dad so precious daddy daughter time) with the air cadet was an intense course with long dryas but a great chance to meet others across the country , experience things military style, and join in with the house patterns of prayer several items a day so almost at times felt like a mini retreat.

Coming to the end of that there proceeded to be a catalogue of sadness with illness , and things just going pear shaped for people I care about.
One of the things I've been aware of those week though is how shockingly BAD our care system is for those in need. I contacted over 12 homeless charities this week to find help for someone and there was only one that could help 3 weeks time. It seems to be the case that if you're young, single, not an addict and a person of good reputation you'll be ok on the streets for a bit and of something comes up then they'll help you but in the mean time youre not a priority!
That's generalising of course but it angers me that there really is no help for people when they are most vulnerable.
At the moment this story after 3 days of stress, anxiety and searching has a "happy" ending in that I did find somewhere and thanks to some real life Good Samaritans putting deposits together and pushing protocol through quickly this person now has a roof over their head but how many other vulnerable young people are there out there?

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