Monday, 6 July 2015


Tomorrow marks an anniversary of horrendous memories and for a dear friend life changing consequences. The 7th July for the last 10 years has been a date of terror and fear...

In 2005 Marc and I had returned from Indonesia dodging a bomb and a tsunami but succumbing to a serious bout of pneumonia on my part (another story!!) while I was recovering we were working at the CMS office in London.
On the 7th July I had an appointment at the Royal Brompton Hospital to get my lungs checked..meaning we set off later than usual.

As we got closer to London someone opposite us had a text saying there was possible delays on the underground so people started to try and work out alternative we got off the train the underground at Victoria was closed so we ...assuming some fault... Searched out the right bus. We literally had our foot on the bus when officials began shouting that the buses weren't safe and then it became clear this was no underground technical fault.
Instantly I tried to call home to reassure mum and dad we were ok but all lines were down..we tried and tried every mobile and finally got through to my best friend Nathan who happened to be sat next to heir advise was to get home ASAP if possible ....we ran to Victoria and by some miracle got on the last train to leave. It was the only time I've known folk talk to each other on the train people scared, terrified for loved ones uncontainable and still the uncertainty of what was happening. As we pulled into Rochester we got off and we All kissed the ground in relief.
That afternoon another friend was concerned for her daughter a nurse at Great Ormond street , thinking she was caught up in helping the injured as so many were that day mum reassured her as best she could. It's not my place to tell her story ...but it was late that night we had the call Susan was very poorly and lost her leg .
It's weird what happens amidst devastation.  Susan is such an amazing woman and achieved so much in this last 10 years, and has gone on to do great things include have 2 lovely girls!

It was so hard coming back from such difficulties in Indonesia to then experience a bit of this, but we came through it by the grace of God and thanks to family and friends ....
tomorrow we will give thanks for our safety and those brave people who helped on that day but especially remember those poor people who weren't so fortunate and lost their lives .... Rest in peace you innocent people xxx

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