Thursday, 12 February 2015

Making its presence known!

Over the last few days we have been trying to work out when is best for me to begin my maternity may sound like a really trivial thing but we've tried to look at how late it physically will be possible to leave it to ensure I get the most amount of time with our new edition yet also being aware that tiredness and being huge will take it's toll, on top of that though there is also the issue of the parish still being without a vicar and wanting to make sure everything will be covered for the time between a new vicar coming and me returning to work.

We have finally settled on no date purely because the legal time to inform my employers has arrived and now it's made I'm feel alsorts of makes the thought of the future changes real, it makes me think about what it will be like being away from everything and many folk we care about for 9 months and it feels exciting to have this space albeit a busy time to spend as a family and it also makes the idea of a new edition even more real.
Our little thumper has really been making it's presence known to us by kicking during the night but also having a knack of kicking at inappropriate moments...especially during funeral services!

As uncomfortable as the kicking and constant toilet trips can be it does remind me again how blessed we are to be in this position and every day I'm grateful for that.

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