Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Over the last year I have sat alongside people suffering with cancer. One particular family I met spoke about how their dad had a bucket list and on it was wanting to see Andre Rieu in concert but unfortunately he had died before fulfilling his dream.

After that visit it got me thinking about my own hopes and dreams, the fragility of life and decided to create my own bucket list. Part of my bucket list involved completing a marathon and so Shine came to be....

The marathon took place on Saturday night and the atmosphere was electric as we gathered in Southwark park with a real party atmpsphere and soon enough we were on our way. We had done a fair amount of training but nothing could have prepared us for the challenge we faced. It was a hard slog with many people suffering with dizziness and feeling faint ( it was unusually hot for that time of year and night), blisters galore and general fatuige. The only thing keeping us going was the thoughts and memories of the people we were walking for; the many survivors, fighters and unfortunate souls who have lost their fight to cancer. We finally crossed the finish line on Sunday morning feeling exhausted yet relieved.

Once home social media went crazy with accusations that the walk; rather than being 26.2 miles had become around the 30 mile mark due to a last minute re route needed after “wealthy local residents complained”.  The fact that people could not see the importance of such an event makes me sad but even more proud of those of us who completed the marathon…and then some.
Yet again today I visited another family in mourning over the passing of a man who died of cancer and no would never fulfil his long lived dream of visiting the Queen mother ship which was commissioned the day he was born. I hope and pray I don't have any regrets when my time comes and will encourage others to Carpe diem.
Thank you so much to all those who sponsored me for my marathon I am  very grateful and the running total so far has hit £700...
So what's next on the bucket list.... either climbing a mountain or visiting Bali....(mountain maybe a cheaper option!)

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