Monday, 27 January 2014

running into the wind

I am not one for making new years resolutions as I always feel that January is a bad time to commit to giving up our favourite foods when so many Christmas leftovers are lying around, it's a bad time to commit to exercise when the weather is so cold damp and dark. Yet this January I fell ( literally) into a resolution. Marc decided the first Monday in January that he was going running. Sat, laptop on my knee, coffee almost in hand, warm and snuggly with Daniel at Pre-School I didn't like the idea much yet when he suggest I went along I foolishly thought "why not!". My relationship with exercise is poor, I am prone to injury with over extendable joints and bad knees. I haven't run properly since school ( and that was usually only to impress the teacher!!) so what possessed me to agree I will never know.

Anyway a few weeks have passed and I have stuck to a twice a week routine. It's not a lot, just under 5 Km around our locality, sometimes with Marc and sometimes alone . I can't pretend I find it easy, the first session I barely got off the estate and literally crawled back on to it ( meeting neighbours along the way!) My lungs hurt, my knees ached and I wanted to collapse. However now everything still aches and hurts but I can run that little bit further without having to walk for a bit, I can appreciate the view of the fields that just about still exist and I can listen to music and pray for those on my mind while I run/ fast walk/ crawl along.

I do desperately want to get fit, to tone up would also be nice but most of all I have discovered the joy of Blue Sky thinking. I now have 36 minutes to myself to listen, to ponder and to pray. I have 36 minutes to appreciate the place we live and I have 36 minutes to be.

I very much doubt I will love running or exercise but I do love the benefits. It's not a resolution where I will beat myself up if I fail but it's a new start at space for me!

I will keep you posted on how it goes :)

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