Thursday, 15 July 2021

Dealing with the interruptions

 This week I’ve been writing a sermon about how we deal with interruptions in our plans .. when life throws a curve ball , not necessarily the major life changing things but also the little nibbles that disrupt our flow of what we were doing ( to see how it fits in a sermon you’ll have to tune in to St Nicholas STROOD you tube channel on Sunday !!!)

Seriously though not even half an hour after writing and I had a coffee cancellation … yes it’s just coffee but it was with my bestie who I haven’t seen for a while an since was really looking forward to a chat to just be me .  The. Throughout the week various things have happened that have changed plans , car failing it’s mot so no car for a few days change of plans again , internet not connected for yet another two weeks so missed a really important zoom course I was a looking forward to as well as several other meetings, Elijah nearly missing his optician app because Dan was later back from his school trip … 

So by this point … late on Thursday night I can’t sleep and I’m proper stressed … my saint of a brother in law comes over and gives us an internet back up … dad comes up and helps out with lifts , and so it goes on . And yes I still feel stressed but I’m remembering the words I’ve written this week and can now see the blessings that I have seen this week … the conversations I did have , the people I have seen , the time I’ve spent playing in the garden with the boys because there was no internet , the book I’m reading because I couldn’t waste time on Netflix /tv, the extra time I’ve gained with family .

It is really helpful and comforting having plans and knowing what’s going to happen and that’s very important (especially when you have an autistic son !) but life isn’t neat and tidy and sometimes , just sometimes the curve balls contain different but sometimes positive outcomes in places we didn’t expect it . 

I’m waffling on but to those of you who have been there in this hard week hopefully you know how much I love and appreciate you … and yes I’m going to get and practise what I preach 🙈

Friday, 9 July 2021


 I’ve been advised  to try and take some me time .. even if it’s just an hour in the week doing something not work or mummy but mindless me … Today I went for a walk with a friend .. it’s a walk we’ve done many a time and each time I’ve noticed this amazing graffiti ..

always different but very stunning !! 

Today some young men were there preparing the wall to create … we stopped and they looked anxious .. we said thank you for your work it’s beautiful … they were stunned .. thanks they replied you’re not gonna give us agro ? Well no you’re creating something beautiful in a place that’s neglected . They were amazed we had conversation about how they didn’t want to offend or cause damage or upset anyone they just wanted to share their art . 

It’s amazing how A bit of  creativity can turn somewhere derelict and overlooked into a statement or a place of beauty … it got me wondering how many people are there out there who have something to say or a voice to be heard that gets neglected or shouted down   How many people get misunderstood or ignored because of judgement and prejudice ? 

Let’s find the voices let’s search for the beauty in the unusual places this week.