Friday, 10 April 2020

Long time no write !

So over the last few weeks I seem to have become a bit of a  vlogger  rather than a blogger but today I feel the need to go retro 🤣

Life hasn’t been easier for anyone recently and for many clergy working norms have been turned upside down....
much of the involves either people contact or building related meetings , operations , functions!
Take that away and suddenly many for a while felt lost and confused... how do you minister when you can’t use your building or in fact meet people.. then the Dawn rose and the birth of on line interaction began, zooming became a quickly learnt tool, what’s app groups , Microsoft teams and you tube channels were established and no one will forget seeing the wonderful clip of the priest sitting just a little too close to his candles and setting his jumper on fire!!  
It has been a massive learning curve for many I’m sure .
But as a Pioneer it’s felt, I confess, at times frustrating ... for those who don’t know I’m blessed to work across several different churches but don’t have the responsibility directly for a building . Much of my work is done with schools, coffee morning groups and in cafes ... but to maintain the regular connection those relationships are maintained on line ... and many of us have been doing that for years ...
I also for many reasons am a supporter of groups that help support those with disabilities and special needs also been saying how important in line communities are ... thankfully , finally people are beginning to realise how vital this link is. Obviously not everyone can access online resources just like not everyone can access traditional 10.30 am Sunday church ... there are many ways we can be accessible so let’s use them!
In just a few weeks my random vlogs have had more views than bums on pews! ( catchy phrase!!) and people I know full well don’t go to church on a Sunday are accessing stuff on line from the safety of their homes .... that excites me!!!!

My prayer , my hope is that after this nightmare covid-19 virus is over we don’t forget these things weve learnt , witnesses , heard !

Keep safe dear ones .. and if  you can stay home!!