Friday, 13 September 2019


Apologise for being vague on many fronts here but it’s out of necessity for now !
This week, the last 5 days have been horrific difficult and emotional on many fronts.
Last Sunday we had (in my humble opinion!) a really powerful service at Abbey court school bringing the school community and the church community together for the first time! We invested their brand new scout pack, our scouts presented them woth a new standard, we heard from the Bishop  and great worship was had . I also conducted the most beautiful thanksgiving blessing of a little girl in the afternoon with over 140 guests and the. Celebrated a colleague being vicar in his parish for 20 years!.... it was a very busy but blessed day!
And when lots of energy and effort has been put in to such things there can often be a back lash .. these week we have taken it on all fronts ... I actually feel like I’ve been through the eye of the storm and have not quite exited yet!
As always I’m always grateful to dear friends and family who have shown their support in the various different situations and the support we have had has been lovely . I’ve again learnt the very important lesson of talking and sharing how you feel with others it really does help !
  I am heading into a new working week thoroughly exhausted (it’s now 12.44 I’ve been in bed 2 1/2 hours and gotten up several times unable to sleep!! The joy of an ADHD Brain!)
There really is no point to this except to say thank you to those who are walking with us .. we have a great faith that God is bigger than humanity and has our family in the palm of his hand guiding us forward .. but the journey is a struggle sometimes and hopefully writing it down will enable sleep to come !
As well as Abbey court being my weekly highlight I also discovered a local cafe selling dairy free Ben and Jerry’s ... all can’t be bad !!!

Saturday, 7 September 2019

New start

It’s that time of year ... routine returns , meetings back up in earnest .. and the thoughts of days out and ice cream are but a distant memory !! Although we didn’t go away away we had 14 days split across the 6 weeks visiting family and friends and having a really lovely time . The boys were very chilled and got on amazingly well together !
And then back to earth with a bang as Elijah began full time school for the first time this week !!! We didn’t think it would be a big deal as he’s been in the nursery already but boy were we wrong !! He certainly made his feelings known at home but thankfully he was very good once at school each day and went into class without so. I hope as a protest and has come out smiling each day . His highlight the first day was the deputy head having to help him see what was for lunch as he was too little to see over the counter! His staple has been jacket potato and beans and fruit but hey if he’s eating something that’s a win in my book!

Dan has struggled more but held it together in school as is his style. And we’ve had lots of cave time and decompression at home !
I’ve always hated September .. I’m not sure why because I really enjoyed school up until I was 16 but think it’s the thought of  getting back to normality and routine rather than the free form the holidays can take plus the extra time with the boys Has been truly wonderful !
The next few weeks are pretty crazy and pressurised too  but I’m sure we will get used to autumn and it’s boy long really until The joy and wonder of Christmas is it 😉