its been a strange old few weeks...from having shingles and not really seeing anyone for 5 days (apart from the wonderful Rose who entertained the kids for an afternoon) to having to cram so much preparation , services, egg buying, services, ironing, services, sorting kids out, services I'm fleeing physical exhausted yet mentally wide awake.
This Holy Week into Easter has been very different for me....I've spent it at St Nicks which is a much higher traditioned church than I'm use can to so each service had new experiences for me to encounter but also a lot of things to learn and remember ....on top of that we also had to evenings of "interesting" visitors that involved me dealing with some very pastorally sensitive situations ...again a blessing to be a part of terrifying at times and energy zapping. And then today most favourite ever day too elebrate and what Happens...... Marc is ill ....too ill to look after the kids an hour of stress working out what to do and an angel in Rose come see to take them to her church where she's leading the youth work but swaps to children's to have my boys.....amazing and thankfully the Monty's invited us to go over for the afternoon for lunch !!!
Having given up sweets and chocolate it's been much needed today to get through though I did forget to buy myself an egg but very grateful to my sis for obliging ....I am however tempted to pop to hotel chocolate tomorrow on the first chance of a sale....
So amidst the lows of good Friday and the highs of resurrection joy tonight I'm feeling thoroughly exhausted.....totally overwhelmed and to be honest a wee bit lonely ... may be this is how the disciples and apostles felt that first Easter Sunday.... having gone through the trials and tribulations of Jesus' death th e the shock and surprise of his ressurection and then the panic of what would happen next that first ight im sure they too felt a bit discombobulated!
But the truth is Jesus rose , God is good and tomorrow is another day!!!! Happy Easter one and all xxx