Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Over the last 2 weeks I have had an aggrivating cold, one of those that doesnt really do anything but lingers, makes you sound nasally and is irritating; that was until a few days ago. One night I suddenly was woken by not being able to breath so well I had a spasmodic coughing fit ( my usual sign of an asthma attack!) and it went on and on and on. This happened over the weekend and so by yesterday Marc badgered me into going ot see the doctor. Me being me was reluctant as I seem to live there between me and Dan ATM !
However it was easier to go and get checked out rather than have Marc worry so off I trotted to the sister surgery in Gillingham which was the only place with appointments.

Convinced it would be a waste of time I sat with my book and waited..not too long and went to see the Doc. In a matter of seconds he doctor realised that I had a sever chest infection and needed antibiotics, he then read my history and realised I also would need steroids as the infection was so deep and my lung is pretty rubbish in places.

I went home feel glad Marc had been insistent but also a bit anxious not liking steroids as though I know they work brilliantly, they also send me a bit manic! It however was only when I was driving home that I realsied the last time I felt a bit like this was 9 years ago almost to the day....9 years ago around bonfire night I developed  a cold which turned into pneumonia and resulted in us flying home from our life in Indonesia. Then I understood why Marc was so anxious.

HAving asthma and a weakness is pants, I feel so terrible not being up to speed but I am so grateful that we have an NHS system where I can be seen relatively quickly, for free and get the treatment necessary.
Now all I have to do is go through the diary and see what things are essential and what things can wait...it is a hard lesson for me....

Sunday, 10 November 2013


Today has been a bit of a strange day...in fact not just today the last few days really.

Daniel has been unwell all week and it has taken its toll on us, sleep less nights, trying to get essential stuff done whilst deciding to put other stuff on hold but today could not be put off today I was dreading with all my might!

Today as well as being Remembrance Sunday is also the one Sunday Marc leads the music part of our worship at one of the churches and also the day our vicar was away celebrating the dedication of his grandson along with his wife (who usually looks after Daniel while Marc rehearses and during the service). So the pressure was on before we even woke up this morning.

Marc and Dan went off to rehearse whilst I went off to preach and preside communion in Upnor. I have to say I was moved almost to tears, the church was pretty much full of men and women who served on the Arethusa, men and women come to pay there respects and remember. It was a delight to preach and administer communion to these wonderful people.
Unfortunately with the set up of our parish we had to dash straight off in order to do an All Age Worship Remembrance service. I have to say it is so hard getting this right....trying to make sure it engages all ages without making it irreverent and loosing the remembrance aspect.
The church was full and as we launched forth immediately there was a problem, no heating and no sound! It was a real battle and eventually we got a hand held mic working.
Again I was moved to tears seeing the uniformed children bringing their poppies, having Daniel sit with me ( still clingy after being ill) and wanting to pray for the soldiers, seeing those men and women wearing medals of honour of wars fought long ago. And then I turned around and saw a whole family sat together a family of a lady who has been battling cancer so bravely still smiling, still entertaining her grand children and still in church.

I have moaned, I have been grumpy and I have sulked this week..Yet today I have seen people put me to shame..our church seems to be experiencing a lot of suffering at the moment and for those we can but pray God's love and peace upon them.

A stressful day has brought me to my knees....we are blessed to be surrounded be true heroes...


Friday, 1 November 2013

Sweets and Saints

Last night at 4.45pm the door bell rang, as we opened it we were greeted by a multitude of scary looking children and slightly embarrassed parents...all of whom we knew;
"Trick or Treat" they politely said with big smiles on their  painted faces...
Last year some of you may recall our dilemma of what to do but this year was a no brainer..we had a basket full of treats and also our glow in the dark pencils and rulers with Jesus is the Light of the World written on. Some may feel this is tacky, some may disagree with us giving anything at all but it is an opportunity for us to share with our neighbours and also to get the message of light into the homes..and seeing the delight on the 40 children who received the pencils and rulers was priceless. Unfortunately by 6.15 we had run out of the pencils and rulers so the following 15/20 children just received sweets and a blessing of safety.

Today is Friday, today unusually for me is a working day..why? Because today is All Saints day (All Hallows) our parish church'
s patronal festival of which we are to celebrate a service of Holy Communion. It was a delight to meet together and celebrate those wonderful, faithful folk who have gone before us..
 All Saints Day, a day to remember those ordinary people of extraordinary commitment. Saints are ordinary Christians whose lives reflect the life of Jesus. Recently the Pope has declared a few more people Saints..including Pope John Paul the 2nd..however those such as Mother Theresa sacrificing everything in life still await saint hood but I believe her life mirrors that of any Saint. An ordinary person doing extra ordinary things for the Gospel. 
So many people in my life have been Saints in my eyes...people who lived faithfully to help me in my life, to help me grow, to help me develop and to give me the confidence I need. Some are still with us and some sadly have departed this world...It may sound morbid but I feel it is so important to remember those who shape our lives and make us the people we are today.
So to you who have been a part of my life whether it is a little way or a major way...you know who you are...THANK YOU!