Monday, 30 September 2013

Highs and lows

This weekend has had its highs and lows.
The weekend started with a full on day of KIME ( curate training) in Canterbury. I am now in my third and final year ( hurrah!) and despite the sessions being a good chance to learn more, to catch up with fellow colleagues they are also rather full on and take time away from the family during the weekend which is ever more precious time.
This year we are studying Hermenutics and my group are looking at Gender issues which should make for an interesting debate. I am slightly anxious as in 2 weeks time I am away again for the whole weekend with KIME and already am putting contingency plans in for Dan.

Following a full on Saturday There came a equally full on Sunday...2 services to preach at followed by a brand new venture..Sundays @ 4. This was to be the launch of  a new  worship experience appealing to all ages based at Bishop Gundolph in Chattenden. A  lot of time and preparation has gone in to this event so we as a team were all excited and nervous too. As Marc, Daniel  and I arrived in plenty of time to set up and be ready without any panic. However, as we were setting up we discovered the speakers had been moved ( strange occurrence), the projector which we had been told was set up was missing and the fire door was a jar. As others arrived it became clear that the church had been burgled. As shocking as this was it also meant that the most vital part of the event was missing...the data projector! Thankfully we have one at home so Marc sped off to get ours and all worked out. The event seemed to be pulled off with about 30 people in attendance and a delicious BBQ to finish. It is great to be able to trial new things and spend time with people in a different setting..let's hope they come back :)
After such a manic weekend all I wanted to do was collapse in front of the TV. Unfortunately once most of our visitors had departed we had a visit from CSI to check for finger prints etc. By the time all the excitement was over we went home bath and put Dan to bed and I too collapsed into slumber.
I felt really frustrated by the break in..not by the things stolen..they can be replaced, but by the fact the fire door is broken meaning it had to be boarded up making the building unusable at the moment. Tuesday I receive another Police visit so will know more then.

This morning Daniel after 12 hours sleep is obviously in payback mode for me being away and pre occupied most of the weekend so this afternoon unashamedly I am doing mummy and son things!!!

Monday, 23 September 2013

Lazy Sundays...NOT!

Yesterday was the first Sunday I had been back into traditional church for several weeks after the amazing boot fair experience... I was very anxious about preaching as it almost felt like going back in for the first time.. Saturday night saw me frantically writing and re writing my sermon for the 2nd service and the night saw me dreaming about turning up to find the wrong bible passage to what I had been given to prepare!!!

But Sunday morning came and went and it was nice to be back in the fold sharing God's word, baptizing 2 beautiful babies ( who barely cried!)  and celebrating our vicar's 60th birthday!
On the way back from church only a few moments from our house we were abruptly stopped by 3 fire engines trying to put out a house fire. Daniel of course was rather excited to be greeted by such a sight where as I was very anxious about what had happened. Having found a route around the blaze and home the Parable of The Good Samaritan ( Luke 10:25-37) was going through my mind..should I stay out of the way and let the professionals do their thing...or should I go and see if anyone needs any help? After a few moments I decided I couldn't settle and so took a walk ( or rather hobble..on crutches!) up to the scene...crowds had now gathered, local neighbours were out re directing traffic and children were zooming up and down on bikes keeping everyone in the loop. and so I managed to chat to a few people to discover by the grace of God no one was injured but the fire was still smouldering away. I spoke to a few neighbours who were anxious but ok and managed to visit a lady with cerebal palsy who lived next door and obviously as little concerned about what was going on outside. It was lovely to chat with this lady..(embarrassingly she already knew who I was and apparently reads my articles in village Voices and Peninsula times) I hopefully reassured her that everything was ok and her her carer was coming later on in the day to see her too.

It is strange what this job throws at you..sometimes planned sometimes without even realising it. It made me realise how much of a privilege it is to live in such a community as Hoo, to be able to be an instant resource if needed and to see a community come together .

Our day continued with a lovely afternoon tea from 3 of our home group and Daniel's friend form church , a real chance to unwind, chill out and relax yet to catch up and get to know each other more...Daniel was lost for 3 hours playing happily and it was a delight to see.

So a day of contrasts of excitement in happiness and excitement in thing is for with us is never dull!

Monday, 16 September 2013


Last week we had the pleasure of attending the Breakout Gathering..a time spent with 100 ( well technically 98) other people pioneering all over the country in varied and exciting ventures.

It was an experience as we went as a family, a chance for Marc too to listen to and recieve as well as contribute, and a chance for Daniel to spend time with us rather than miss us. I am not saying it was easy we juggled the sessions between us we juggled and negotiated nightmare meal times and we slept better than we have done in ages!

It was a great chance to meet up with people that we know from other parts of the country, people I trained with, people from CMS, people we have met along the way. It was a great time to hear some awesome stories, to hear what others are trying to achieve in their pioneering worlds and to reflect on our own situation.

We spent time together thinking about how the words we heard would effect our situation the place we are living the things we feel God wants to achieve in our part of the world. We spent time dreaming, if money and time was no object what we could do; However it was also frustrating hearing time and again people who were in similar situations feeling frustrated with the Anglican 3/4 year curate time restriction. So much was said about it takes 7-10 years to really build and develop community whilst we are still in a mad panic about getting anywhere in 3 or 4. We also heard a lot about people's project. Most seemed to have one thing they focused on, even if they were linked ot a church they had the church plus one other thing to pioneer...not a whole deanery.

So..what have we learned? I have learned that my curacy is far to short to achieve anything that could last, I have learned that there are some awesome Pioneers doing amazing things out there who need our prayers and support, and I have learned that I for one can not stretch myself too far.
After the gathering we zoomed up to Hull ( or rather crawled very slowly) to celebrate a retirement and 60th party with my Godmummy and Uncle Derek...a perfect way to end the week away a chance to complete our blue sky thinking to rest and to have some relaxation, to gain perspective and to spend time with those I love...I just wish I could do it more often..lesson learnt!
Dan and Marc enjoying some pitch and put @High Leigh Breakout13

Monday, 2 September 2013

Super Sundays!!

Today I feel absolutely exhausted!!

Yesterday we had our penultimate car boot fair. If anyone out there is keep a track of me you will recall me mentioning that we have been taking a stall to the Greenfields site in Gillingham and Wainscott with a team over the last couple of months as a trial to see if people are interested in exploring Spirituality, Faith etc...

Yesterday as seems to be the trend started off really slowly, I felt tired as had woken up in the dark ( winter is drawing ever closer ;) ) and it felt like forever before the seekers came. But came they did! In fact we were still there at 1pm as a few people just wanted to chat.

Just a couple of stories to lady chose a verse from the 23rd Psalm and burst into tears, 4 members of her family this year had been diagnosed with cancer and her mother had also died. The verse really spoke to her and she took it away to read and bring her comfort. She also left a footprint in the sand tray with names of people on for us to pray for.

Another couple came who were really intruiged, they confessed to not really having any beliefs specifically but did believe in a greater being. the couple were a same sex couple and spent a long time pouring out to me how hurt they had been by their family not accepting them for who they are, for using religion as a reason not to allow them to see their nephews and nieces and feeling quite angry that 2 people who were good citizens did a lot for the community were committed to each other and were honest to the core could be treated so badly by their own  Christian family.

What would Jesus say? I truly believe Jesus would want these lovely ladies to know that they were totally loved and should be treated that way.
No matter what we may believe or feel I can not understand how a human being can mistreat another in such an offensive pains me to hear of people's suffering. The ladies did some Psalm readings of which verses about being oppressed came up and they asked me to make them prayer bracelets each.

I don't know what goes on with people after we have encountered them, what I do know is that their stories, their emotions stay in my mind and all I can do is pray for them and their situations.

Next Sunday is the last car boot of the season and I am so going to miss it, in such a short space of time I feel like I have found a place to be!