Today I was given the amazing privilege of going to visit Jessica. Jessica is 21 years old and has chronic M.E. she has suffered for 6 years and is bed ridden confined to just one room.
Most people in that situation at that age would be dwelling in self pity and feel like there is no hope!
Not Jessica...Jessica is so creative, imaginitive and amazing, she has decided to channel her thoughts feelings and situations into something positive that can help others in her situation or similar.
Jessica has created Share a Star. A charity that helps to support children, young people and their families during very difficult times of illness.
The children that are supported by Share a Star are given stars personally made by Jessica as well as other support to help them cope during difficult and sometimes tragic times in their lives.
What so inspired me today was Jessica's outlook on life, clearly she is suffering, clearly she is in pain but clearly she has a hope, a faith an assurance that keeps her going to help her cope with life.
It made me reflect on how I deal with things in life. When you have had no sleep due to a toddler with an ear infection, when work is so manic you don't know where to turn, when you are worrying about how to get all the food prepared for Christmas have to stop and think at least I have a healthy child, at least I can go out to work in a job I love, at least I can eat the dinner we are frantically trying to prepare. Jessica struggles to eat, she can not go out and get a job but she does have hope and a heart for others much more than I can ever dream of...AMAZING!
If you have a moment of the festive season do please either watch the video or go to and find out more.