Wednesday, 27 June 2012

AUnty Chris

Christine Catchpole
This has been a really difficult week for us as a family... after several long battles cancer has finally taken our beloved Aunty Chris. Although it was somethign we have been preparing for for sometime we have still found it a shock and aer coming to terms with it. My younger cousins have a lot to deal with and organise and are doing such a good job I can only admire their courage and bravery!

However, with this news came anotehr shocker...they want me to do the funeral!! I was gobsmacked to say the least but also totally bowled over..what an honour, I only hope I can do her proud.

The last few days have been so hard, dealing with our greif yet trying to organise teh practicalities of a funeral from a couple of hundered miles away. I want to be able to do aunty Chris and our family proud but I dont want to fudge the true message of hope in Jesus and eternal life that I would normally give at such an occassion. I feel blessed that my aunty shared with me her turning to the church after her last bout of cancer was diagnosed and so I feel that the message of hope is one that needs to be shared in such a dark time.

So I have a week to carry on with my daily tasks as well as to psychologically prepare myself for the hardest pastoral service I have ever had to engage with....would value any prayers going!

Thank you Aunty Chris for being a part of our lives we love and miss you very much God Blessx